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Background of Zuani: woodworking tools with mechanical clamping system

The Zuani company, specialized in the design and production of woodworking tools with mechanical clamping system, was founded in 1972 by the three young Zuani brothers who opened the activity under the name Zuani Roberto&C.snc.

Since then, the careful design and manufacturing of a wide range of woodworking tools with mechanical clamping system dedicated to the production of window and door frames, furniture and any other woodworking process have been the main reasons for Zuani’s global success.

The evolution of woodworking tools with mechanical clamping system from the 1970’s to the present day

The first woodworking tools with mechanical clamping system take shape in the small rooms of the family home.

Lathe and milling machines shape steel discs to create grooves and rebates.

At that time there were no programmed sets but individual tools that were suitable for use in the various stages of processing. The complete window set was delivered in a wooden trunk.

As the years went by and wood processing machines evolved, the woodworking tools with mechanical clamping system began to play an increasingly important role.

The first programmed window series known as the 600/800 series were created.

The strategy of keeping the programming height and diameter unchanged for all the working phases, the ability to optimize the tool on the most complex plants and, last but not least, the good name created among Italian plant manufacturers, allowed Zuani to make an important qualitative leap forward.

In a short time, the growing national and international demand made it necessary to enlarge the workspace and invest in human capital in order to be more present on new markets.

In the first half of the 1980’s, the positive outlook of the European markets and the strong drive of the domestic economy allowed for the construction of the new building in the industrial area of Rovereto.

Those were years in which all the internal technological processes were affected by a considerable progression, thanks to the new work centres with which the company was equipped.

First patents for woodworking tools with mechanical clamping system in the 1990’s

In the early 1990’s, the results of a technical/production reorganization were seen.

In the new spaces the staff worked better and with the new technologies came the stimulus to experiment.

One of the first patents was called AUTOCOMPACTFIX. It is the fastening system for standard self-positioning reversible inserts. It eliminated the classic positioning gauges while guaranteeing precision and security in clamping.

In Italy the company worked positively, side by side with the most important window and door manufacturers and technology retailers. The main foreign market became Germany. After an initial period via a retailer, Zuani decided to commit itself directly by founding Zuani Deutschland GmbH.

Strengthened by the knowledge gained, Zuani presented its new products rigorously tested according to the strict safety criteria set by BG-TEST. Later, the reference standard became the European standard EN 847-1.

The company expands its presence in France, spreading its production of mechanically fastened tools through prestigious brands. It grows in Spain, Scandinavian territories and Eastern Europe.

2000: the totally self-positioning system LOGIFIX is born

At the beginning of 2000, Zuani presented LOGIFIX, the totally self-positioning system which allows for a smaller use of standard inserts.

The new fastening system allowed to work with greater precision and quality, reducing unproductive time.

In 2010, Zuani’s strong brand positioning in markets around the world continued to drive its commitment to research and development.

Thanks to collaborations with the University of Trento and the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the COATINGS department was created within the plant. The first parts to undergo DLC treatment were standard inserts. Subsequently, great results were obtained on end mills and original spare parts.

In 2015, Zuani’s presence in international markets, including overseas, led to a revised approach to sales strategies. There was a strong focus on a product range characterized by the exclusivity of the NaDia DLC sector.

Today, Zuani is part of TWT, a company that specializes in the design and manufacture of mechanically fastened tools for cutting wood, aluminium and high precision composite materials.

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